Updated October 3, 2023

 Operation RRRCORA



  • Develop more care strategies and plans to improve rehabilitation for reptiles and amphibians all over the world.

  • Research to better understand the needs for conservation, study illness, treatments, and prevention of diseases.

  • Provide sanctuary for gopher tortoises and other animals in need.

  • Create volunteer opportunities that encourage respect for our natural world. Inspire underprivileged children and provide internship opportunities for college students.

  • A property and facility that will allow for all the above to be achieved and further future goal development.

What is RRRCORA?

RRRCORA stands for- Rescue, Rehabilitation, Research, Conservation Of Reptiles & Amphibians.

When an animal is in need we want to be their best shot at rescue and provide them with the best rehabilitative care. We have started to collect data on the causes of illnesses, injuries, and declines in reptiles and amphibians. More solutions are needed to save not only their lives but their habitats and promote their conservation backed by research. Please help us help them! Our goals may seem big but what we aim to accomplish is priceless and we can’t do it with out you! You can be apart of this accomplishment when you support Operation RRRCORA. Share this video, the posts, donate, become a sponsor or send sponsors our way! You can make this happen! You can help save lives and improve our world! Remember these animals struggle because of human impacts, so we as humans need to take responsibility and help make things right.

Why Operation RRRCORA?

Number one, because there is so little help for injured reptiles and amphibians. Its hard enough to find help for that baby squirrel! The world of reptiles is still a big unknown, some efforts have been made but we are only scratching the surface. Reptiles and amphibians play an important role in the health of our world. Did you know amphibians are known as indicator species? When there is a decrees in frog population or sick or even deformed frogs found that's a red flag that there are environmental issues! We need more research! With more research we can do more to help conserve species and their habitats that in turn will benefit us all!


How are we going to do this?

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We CAN do this with your support! We will build a facility that will not only provide for the sick or the injured but also a place that can study and support the science behind conservation efforts. A place where great minds can come together to not only learn but also make a difference in our world. Lets face it, natural areas are disappearing and the bigger the space the more we can do!


Help make it happen!!!!

